金蘭觀 Kam Lan Koon
地址 Address:元朗屏山唐人新村240號 No 240, Tong Yan San Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, HK.
電話 Tel:2476 4759
電郵 Email: secretariat@kamlankoon.hk
通訊處 Postage: 灣仔郵政局信箱23152號 P.O. Box 23152, Wanchai Post Office, Hong Kong.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kamlankoon1970/
依公司註冊處處長據公司條例第21(2) 條特許註冊
Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance as a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital Licensed by the Registrar of Companies under S.21(2) of the Companies Ordinance Exempted charitable institution under S.88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance